Dienstag, 12. April 2016

the never ending water-story :D oder: die Wasserquelle sprudelt weiter....

...für die kommende Kunstforum-Ausstellung ("Wasser", die am Freitag mit der Vernissage beginnt) musste ich noch zügig zwei Bilder "nacharbeiten", da die Originale, die noch im Kalender zu sehen sind, in der Zwischenzeit verkauft wurden.... 
kein Problem, es macht ja schließlich Spaß ;)
...for the upcoming Kunstforum exhibition ("Water", reception on Friday) I quickly had to finish two additional paintings; the original ones, as printed in the calendar, have been sold meanwhile.... 
well, no problem, cause it's fun ;)

(edit, October 29th 2016; because I only noticed today, that I forgot this little detail:
 photo resource for the above is morguefile.com. Actually I cannot retrace the seller.
Sorry, I forgot to mention it earlier, like I did it properly here:
http://anjaessler.blogspot.de/2015/10/kalender-2016-calendar-2016.html) *
Acryl auf Malplatte/acrylics on canvans board, je/each 13 x 18 cm

*by the way: I do not know, if it is necessary at all to name morguefile.com in ebay-offers (for the sake of good order I am going to do it from now on) I thought of it just today. As always, I do it to the best of my knowledge and belief. Also with previous paintings/drawings and reference material from wetcanvas.com/morguefile.com.
 I named morguefile.com here on my website, under the water paintings.
To avoid lack of clarities or in case of any questions: please let me know! That's all I can do for now - Anja, October 29th, 2016

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